Reclaim Your Lost Funds with Trusted Experts

With years of experience and a dedicated team, we specialize in recovering funds lost to online scams in the cryptocurrency, forex and trading industries.

Recovery Solicitors LLC

Who We Are

At REC Solicitors LLC, we specialize in recovering funds for individuals who have fallen victim to online scams involving cryptocurrency, trading, and similar schemes. Founded in 2011, our mission is to help you reclaim what’s rightfully yours. We focus on European citizens, leveraging close partnerships with local agencies and entities in the UK, Spain, Italy, Greece, and Germany.”

Legal Specialists

At REC Solicitors LLC, we leverage our expertise in European legislation and legal services to help you recover your lost funds from scams.

Exclusive partnership

Our team partners with renowned international agencies to ensure high rates of success in recovering your funds.

high success rate

With our expertise in the industry and our dedication to our clients, we have successfully recovered thousands of dollars in cryptocurrency for our clients.

start now!

Don’t let online scams take control of your finances.

Welcome to REC Solicitors LLC!

Find The Help You Need With Our Specialized Recovery Services

At REC Solicitors LLC, we understand the frustration and financial loss that can come from falling victim to online scams in the cryptocurrency and trading industries.

Our Global Partners


Our team at REC Solicitors LLC has partnered with renowned international agencies in the field of recovery to ensure the highest success rates for our clients.

Collaboration with Well-Known International Companies

Leverage the expertise and resources of top organizations like HM Revenue & Customs, Blockchain, Binance, the Serious Fraud Office, and Elliptic to enhance the effectiveness and speed of fund recovery.

ExperSpecialization in Cryptocurrency, Trading, and Forex Scams

Receive tailored legal solutions designed specifically for the complexities of these markets, increasing the likelihood of successfully reclaiming lost funds.

Expertise in European Legislation

Navigate the intricacies of European laws with confidence, ensuring all legal avenues are explored for optimal recovery outcomes.

Comprehensive Fraud Investigation

Conduct thorough investigations using advanced tools and methodologies to gather crucial evidence, strengthening your case for fund recovery.

Our Partners

Why Choose REC Solicitors LLC?

What we offer to you:

At REC Solicitors LLC, we focus on helping individuals and businesses alike recover funds lost to online scams in cryptocurrency and trading.

Cryptocurrency Trading Losses

Recover lost funds from cryptocurrency transactions through specialized legal strategies tailored to the unique complexities of digital currencies, ensuring a higher chance of successful restitution.

Trading Scams

Protect your investments by leveraging our expertise to identify, investigate, and recover funds from fraudulent trading schemes, restoring your financial stability.

Forex Scams

Navigate the complexities of forex market fraud with our dedicated team, which uses industry-specific knowledge to effectively trace and reclaim your lost investments.

Regulated Broker Recovery

Maximize your recovery potential by utilizing our extensive experience in dealing with regulated brokers, ensuring compliance and accountability in the recovery process.

Get Started Now

Ready to recover your lost funds? Contact us today for a free consultation.

Over 11.000 Successful Fund Recoveries

Recovered funds


Amount recovered


Speedy recovery

4-5 weeks


Hear what our satisfied clients have to say about their experience with REC Solicitors LLC.

Recovery Solicitors LLC helped me recover $25,000 from a cryptocurrency scam. They were incredibly professional and kept me updated every step of the way. I’m so grateful for their expertise!

Vicenzo Allesi


I was scammed by a trading platform and thought I’d never see my $15,000 again. Thanks to REC Solicitors LLC, I got my money back and can finally move on. Highly recommend their services!

Benita Avellaneda

Hotel Manager

After losing $10,000 in a forex scam, I turned to REC Solicitors LLC. They handled everything with such care and efficiency. I couldn’t believe it when they recovered my funds. Amazing work

Yiannis Gerolis



Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does REC Solicitors LLC help recover funds from cryptocurrency scams?

We use our specialized knowledge of cryptocurrency markets and collaborate with well-known international companies to track and recover your lost funds. Our legal strategies are tailored to handle the unique challenges of digital currency transactions.

  • What should I do if I suspect I’ve been scammed in trading or forex markets?

Contact us immediately. Our team of experts will guide you through the necessary steps to gather evidence and initiate the recovery process. The sooner we start, the better the chances of recovering your funds.

  • Can you help me recover funds from a regulated broker?

Yes, we have extensive experience dealing with regulated brokers. Our legal team will ensure that all regulatory protocols are followed and hold the broker accountable to maximize your recovery potential.

  • How long does the recovery process take?

The duration of the recovery process can vary depending on the complexity of the case. However, we strive to work as efficiently as possible and will keep you informed throughout the entire process. Typically, cases can take anywhere from 4-5 weeks.